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Meet the 2023 New Zealand Young Farmers Scholarship Winners

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NZ Young Farmers

Congratulations are in order to the recipients of the 2023 New Zealand Young Farmers (NZYF) scholarships. The NZYF Future Me Scholarship was awarded to Katrina Stead from Whangarei, with $1500 in financial support towards her professional development goals. Archie Woodhouse of Eketahuna, and Kate Bennett of Gore, are the recipients of the NZYF World Congress Study Scholarships, each receiving a University cash scholarship worth $1,500.

The NZYF scholarships are aimed at supporting young people in the food and fibre sector. NZYF Chief Executive, Lynda Coppersmith shared, “with 30 applicants for this year’s scholarships, it’s encouraging to hear from so many talented individuals. We’re proud to provide funds to assist them in their leadership journey. These upcoming leaders are paving the way, and New Zealand will be in very capable hands as they tackle the challenges in the agriculture industry.”


Katrina Stead, New Zealand Young Farmers Future Me Scholarship recipient and Extension Manager at Beef + Lamb New Zealand

When not working at Beef + Lamb New Zealand, or volunteering as the Vice Chairperson and Secretary of the Whangarei NZYF Club, Katrina loves being outdoors, going for swim, surf or tramp. 

With 11 years working in the agriculture industry in various dairy and sheep farm operations, it was during her OE in the UK that she saw first-hand how efficient NZ farming was in comparison. Passionate about working alongside farmers, her ultimate career goal is to be in a role where she can enable change and be an advocate. “I want to continue to develop myself so I am confident to help farmers navigate the ever-changing industry.”

In particular, she’s looking to build people management and leadership skills, and plans to use the scholarship award towards a leadership program that has a focus on running an effective team

She’s also planning further studies in environmental management. “I see a huge future in that space, and I want to be able to understand policy and translate that for farmers and growers to enable them to make informed decisions about their business.”


Archie Woodhouse, New Zealand Young Farmers World Congress Study Scholarship recipient and student at Lincoln University, Bachelor of Agriculture

With a passion for the outdoors, Archie spends his free time in the hills mountain biking and hunting. For him, “being outdoors is an escape from the busyness of everyday life” and makes for a “great opportunity (excuse) to get away on the weekends”. He begins his master’s studies later this year, with plans to study abroad in his second semester.

“Studying for a master’s in agribusiness allows me to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the breadth of agribusiness both domestically and internationally. In conjunction with industry bodies, my research will examine how farmers use on-farm reporting to make informed decisions regarding production and environmental factors.”

“Having worked on different farms from high country deer to sheep milking, my passion for and excitement for the agricultural industry has grown. For example, the opportunity to work with deer, across venison, velveting and trophy, gave me an appreciation of the skill and complexities associated with integrated farming operations.”

As a student on the Dean’s list since 2020, he’s balanced work and his studies, all while keeping up with the Lincoln NZYF Club (Vice Chairperson in 2022), as well as competing in the Young Farmer of the Year Competition. “It’s been fulfilling being involved in a Club with so many like-minded individuals.”

Archie says the funds will not only aid in the financial responsibility of tertiary education but also support his other professional development activities such as competing in the Young Farmer of the Year, the Beef + Lamb AgInnovation events and Boma Agri Summit.



Kate Bennett New Zealand Young Farmers World Congress Study Scholarship recipient and first year student at Massey University, Bachelor of Animal Science

Avid clay target shooter and sports enthusiast, Kate helps on the family farm when not tending to her studies. “I love the outdoors and helping on the farm from tractor driving to tailing to fencing and everything in between. Most of my work experience has been after school and in my holidays helping on the farm.”

Recognised for her leadership skills at Northern Southland College (NSC), she spent the last year as the head student, student council treasurer, Eyre House Captain, student mentor and was also a peer support leader. “All of these leadership positions have helped me improve my growth as a leader which has taken me out of my comfort zone and challenged my thinking.”

As a current member of the Waitane Young Farmers Club, she held various roles from Publicity Officer to Chairperson while attending NSC. She manages her time between studies and sport, where for the past two years she’s been the Captain of both the NSC 2022 Clay Target Shooting Team, and the Mixed A Hockey Team. Being involved in many sports has taught me a lot about listening, team building and time management.”

Next up, Kate’s looking forward to her studies in animal science majoring in genetics and breeding at Massey University.

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NZ Young Farmers

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