Grand Final

Grand Final Results 

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FMG Young Farmer of the Year

Waikato Bay of Plenty: Regional Final

5-6 April 2024

It's going to be an action-packed weekend as contestants from across the NZYF Waikato Bay of Plenty Region battle it out for a place at the Season 56 Grand Final.

Everyone is welcome!

Meet the Contestants
Register for AgriKids & FMG Junior

Buy Evening Show Tickets

Our Contest Sponsor Family

We're trying something new!

The FMG Young Farmer of the Year Contest is a long season normally and it can put a lot of pressure on our member volunteers to deliver.

We’re trialling a new format in the Northern and Waikato Bay of Plenty regions to look at ways that we can still find New Zealand’s best Young Farmer, but in a way that is potentially more streamlined.

The Format

These will be two-day events, with day one resembling the traditional District Contest and day two aligning more closely with a Regional Final.

Day 1

30 Contestants
10-15, 15-minute modules
Similar format to District Contests
The top 8 Contestants move to Day 2

Day 2

Top 8 Contestants from Day 1
2 x Head-to-Heads, 1 x Farmlet
Quiz at Evening Show
Winner moves to Grand Final

Evening Show

There'll still be an Evening Show, where our top eight will battle it out one final time for a spot at the Grand Final.

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Contestants: Day 2

The below contestants have made it into the top 8! They will be challenged to two head-to-heads and a farmlet, and then onto the Buzzer Quiz. In no particular order:

> Edward Roskam
> Jimmy cleaverJai
> Jaiden Evans
> Ryan Bateup
> Emma Poole
> Harry Phipps 
> Cameron Wratt 
> Andrew Wards

View Results

Contestants: Day 1

The below Contestants will be battling it out on the first day of the Regional Final. The top eight Contestants will be moving to the next round, where our Grand Finalist will be decided.

Hauraki Young Farmers
Arie Schouten    

Morrinsville/Ngarua Young Farmers
Cameron Wratt
Calahn Vincent     
Ryan Bateup 
Declan Tully   
Harry Phipps    
Matthew Nielsen    
Cillian Aberhart    
Sofie Adelaar  
Jaiden Evans

North Waikato Young Farmers
Jimmy Cleaver    

Te Puke Young Farmers
Shanice Young    

Te Kawa West Young Farmers
Andrew Wards  
Emma Poole     
Isaac Camp     
Adrian Beattie     
Edward Roskam

Event Information

Day 1

  Friday 5 April
 Kerepehi Domain, 202 Kaikahu Road, Kerepehi 

Qualifying Day for FMG Young Farmer of the Year

View Timetable

Day 2

  Saturday 6 April
 Kerepehi Domain, 202 Kaikahu Road, Kerepehi 

> FMG Young Farmer of the Year
> FMG Junior Young Farmer of the Year & AgriKidsNZ

View Timetable

Evening Show

  Saturday 6 April
 Ngatea War Memorial Hall, Orchard West Road, Ngātea

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Need more info? Get In Touch

AgriKidsNZ & FMG Junior

Designed for high school and primary school students, these events provide the next generation with opportunities to showcase their farming skills, knowledge, and innovation.

Register for AgriKidsNZ
Register for FMG Junior

Our Contestants

Contestants from across the Waikato and Bay of Plenty region will face off for a chance at representing their region the Season 56 Grand Final.

Day 1 Contestants: Qualifying Round

Hamilton City Young Farmers 
Alex Diprose
Stephen Brunskill

Hauraki Young Farmers
Brad Edwards

Morrinsville/Ngarua Young Farmers
Mitchell Guscott
Michelle Crawford
Jaiden Evans
Robin Buser
Cillian Aberhart
Cam Clayton
Jacob Price

North King Country Young Farmers
Brad van Rooyen

North Waikato Young Farmers
Jimmy Cleaver
William Evans

Piarere Young Farmers
Dennis Main
Alex Sainty
Mark Whelan
Charles Wainwright
Edward Roskam
Kiki Ritmeester

Te Kawa West Young Farmers
Brian Basi
James Anderson
Isaac Camp
Adrian Beattie

Te Puke Young Farmers
Luke Feisst
Agus Varona

Day 2 Contestants: Top 8

Check back Friday 5 April

Head back to view more Regional Finals

Meet the Tasman Regional Final Convenor

Dean Gardiner
Amuri Young Farmers


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